40 Jahre 911 Registry
The Registry Group
We are an informal, flexible group of driving enthusiasts who are associated by our ownership of, or interest and enthusiasm for, the 2004 Porsche 911 (996) 40th Anniversary Edition ("40 Jahre 911" or "40 Years 911"). We do not have the formalities of a board of directors or officers, and there is no cost to participate in this group. We are closely associated with our friends whose 30 Jahre anniversary cars preceded ours a decade earlier, the 964 Jubi IG (www.jubi.pocg.de). Both of our groups share the same relaxed attitude and passion for our historic cars. The main reason for the formation of this group is clearly and simply to connect all of us who appreciate this special and unique limited series car. Members can meet in many ways:
Virtually via social media:
Page - www.facebook.com/40jahre911
Group (only current and past keepers) - www.facebook.com/groups/40jahre911
Also, from time to time, our members meet in person to share and enjoy their binding passion and excitement for the 'Jubi' 996 Anniversary Series. Our membership is world-wide, as there were to be 1963 numbered 40 Jahre 911 cars sold in countries across the globe.
We encourage you to browse the different sections of our website. Enjoy pictures of our cars in the Gallery, track the whereabouts of our cars in the Registry car lists, and learn the history and details of this special edition under "The 40 Jahre 911 Anniversary Edition" section. At present our Registry listing is quite comprehensive, having located nearly 1,000 of these historic cars. Many are identified by their limited edition number, which, by tradition, Porsche engraved on a plaque placed on the car's console. We are always on the lookout for more of our brethren and their cars to add to the group and the Registry car listing, and also searching for the limited edition numbers of cars that have been already found but whose numbers in the limited series are not yet known. In order to make our Registry car lists as complete as possible we ask that anyone, members or visitors alike, notify us of any 40 Jahre 911 not already in the listing, or of information about a car already in the listing whose number or history is not yet known.
Past and present 40 Jahre 911 owners' private information is not listed without specific permission. No one is required to disclose private information, but all are free to do so if they so choose. This is one of the principles that our group lives by. We are enthused by every special edition 'Jubi' driver that is interested in our group. We hope to one day to complete this catalogue of all 1963 numbered cars in the series.
We hope that all past and present owners of 40 Jahre 911 cars in this limited series will join us. Any suggestions how to improve the Registry community, listing of cars, website, social media pages, or activities of our group are always welcome.